HomePortfolioIntercom – 95% discount

Intercom – 95% discount

Creative Brief

Grow with Intercom.

Intercom is a simple yet powerful customer service and support platform that’s perfect for startups because it has all the essentials you need to scale. Their intuitive messaging system allows you to build out intelligent workflows to get in front of support tickets, and offer users smart recommendations based on their issues. You can even automate engagement in your website or app to share product announcements or tips via banners, chat, product tours, or checklists to drive deeper product adoption and improve satisfaction. Startups can easily build out help docs or a knowledge base so customers can find answers without ever having to speak with support. Their email platform can also be used for your early-stage marketing campaigns, saving you tons of money in your first couple of years with a single tool.

With over 65% mobile users, we strived to create an optimized mobile reading experience with clear and crisp typography.


Join our Early Stage program to receive a 93% discount on Intercom's AI-powered support platform. The only solution that combines an AI chatbot, help desk, and proactive support.

  • Up to $1M in funding
  • Less than 2 years old
  • Less than 5 employees
  • Less than 1,000 people reached per month
  • Currently not an Intercom customer
Intercom startup deal
  • Discount: 95% off for one year
  • Savings value: $14,400
  • Intercom pricing: Paid plans start at $74/month